We are passionate about giving back to great causes and changing lives.

We are passionate about giving back and helping amazing charities and not for profits in Australia. Looking for other ways to receive add on donations that won't cost your organisaton a CENT !
Leave it to us we will help you get outstanding high fundraising results.
Whether it's a high-performing appeal, a acquisition campaign, or a finely tuned digital other ways to give campaign, we know what it takes to engage with all demograhics and gain new loyal donors.
Our seamless fundraising campaign's have a point of difference. If your a registered charity or not for profit organisation why not conduct a extremely high revenue raising Gold4good appeal or include our donation packs in a upcoming mailout campaign.
Need wow factor for a major event or raffle prize ?... Read More

Healthcare & Medical Research
AJL Fundraising Group works closely with recognised hospital & health care networks,foundations and innovative medical research instituations leading the way with life saving breakthroughs in technology advancement.
We love supporting our wonderful hospitals in Australia that give exceptional patient care.
For over two decades our company has contributed significant funding to help purchase cruical equipment such as heart and lung cardiac machines, new beds, MRI machines, ETN units, theromometers, defibrillators and new medical equipment upgrades through our annual hospital fundraising events.
Proud of our involvement to assist breast cancer research and help with fighting heart disease, lung cancer, immune diseases and dementia.
We continue to fund extensive medical research hours to help save lives with our health care appeals and successful campaigns... Read More

School Fundraising
We help education providers build successful fundraising for their school that engage your entire school community in a unique way that doesn't effect household finances yet raises record breaking funds.
Working closely with The P & C to make sure every school fundraiser achieves outstanding results. Our Gold4good school fundraisers are one of the easiest and highest revenue raisers on the calender.
No costs, High results and all materials supplied. We welcome sporting and community groups who are helping their local school.
Student parent’s and grandparents love to participate and enjoy amazing prizes from apple gift cards, to woolworthes and coles vouchers etc to suit students and the entire family.
Our sustainable school fundraising initiative is a form of recycling.It inspires students and rallies your entire community of parents, and staff to give back to the school they love.It’s a whole student journey... Read More